Friday, June 17, 2011

Cross Stitch on Felt

This is my first attempt to do cross stitch on felt. Ever since I started doing felt craft, I hardly do any cross stitching which is actually my first love. No, I haven't forgotten it...I simply do not have the time...*sigh!*
Anyway, when my son's 14 year old classmate requested me to make a pink heart keychain with lots of letterings, I simply had to take the opportunity to cross stitched it instead of sticking felt/foam letterings.

For the front view, she requested to put the letters i, l, y, s. f, d, m. Don't ask me what the letters stand for...I guess it's I Love You So F..D...Much? I decided to use pastel colors felt and freehand stitching for the letters.

For the rear, she asked to put the letters SN,UK. This is when I decided to cross stitched the letters. Here's how it looks like. It's quite tricky because the letters consist of full stitch, half stitch and back stitch.
My son's friend is delighted with the result and to me that's the most important thing! ;-)


  1. hebatnye akak bleh wat cross stitch...handmade kan tu?? bkn mesin kan?

    ajarla sy...

  2. Yes Ash, it's handmade. Boleh ajar, apa salahnya...Senang aje, but you had to have waste canvas. Potong waste canvas as big as the felt. Jahit cross stitch on it. After completed, wet the canvas. Bila starch dia gone, you can pull the canvas thread one by one. And walla! It's done...cuma cross stitch jer tinggal on felt tu.

  3. cross stitch on felt...great idea! haven't seen others do it. maybe it could be your signature look for felt craft :)

  4. Dear stitchNknot, that you said it, perhaps I should make more cross stitch on felt items..;-)
